My wife took her 2005 van (28,750 miles) in for a oil change only to return with a $250 receipt which included a brake and power steering fluid flush.How many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
Many people will probably disagree with me on this but here it goes. Brake fluid is hydroscopic meaning it absorbs moisture. The reason it does this is because as we all know oil floats on top of water, and brake fluid being hydroscopic, instead of the water going to the bottom of the braking system and boilling causing you to lose your brakes it will disperse it throughout the system. Not only this but the rubber parts in the braking system break down and the brake fluid breaks down. Hard pieces of dirt get into your braking system and act like a sandblaster to the softer parts destroying your braking system, including expensive ABS parts. Flushing gets rid of these contaminants and the moisture in the system. Same goes with the power steering system and fluid. You just bought some cheap insurance for some expensive repairs. I flush all my fluids every 20k miles.How many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
I change my brake fluid every 3 years, and go 5 on the p/s. I doubt theres a spec for that in the owners manual, since there is usually a brake or p/s repair requiring the fluid to be changed anyway.How many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
you don't need this done before 50 thousand miles at the least,they just suckered her in to having it done,that was pretty high for it also,but its done now,so you wont have to worry about it for a long time,i never do it to any customers cars unless it has 50 k or more on it,its just a waste if you do,good luck with it.How many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
i do not know but i do this much i would not have those things done ever. it is a scam just to get your hard earned moneyHow many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
you should always consult your owners manual when it comes to any maintenance on power steering, transmission, and breaks.How many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
Brake fluid flush?
I've NEVER flushed brake fluid on anything I own.
They just don't build things like they used to........
Come to think of it, I've NEVER flushed my power steering either.How many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
Most manufactures recommend every 30,000miles.
The brake fluid flush is an absolute must,as brake fluid absorbs moisture,so the boiling point is lowered bellow the safe temp level which is 510degs F as for the power steering,it can get burnt,if it had a burnt smell it is advisable to change it,the cost of the flush is a fraction of the cost for new steering gear and labour.How many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
funny no one recommends it but on motorcycles its every year and they use dot 4 or 5
so every 2 years on your car would not be a bad idea
most loser mechs. don't change it on a brake job especially if they don't change a caliperHow many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
Your wife got ripped off. Any manufacturer recommended service interval clearly shows at 30,000 miles to have fluid level and conditions inspected, not replaced. Most manufacturers also recommend against any flushing of these systems. Brake fluid doesn't break down and lower its boiling point for at least 3 years, or 36,000 miles. Some shops recommend brake fluid flushing with a brake service, which isn't really a flush, but a change. Power steering flushing is about as effective as trying to mow water. Tell them you want your money back, or you want to see why they saw a need for a fluid change. Show them your manufacturer's service recommendations for 27,500mi and also 30,000mi. Then ask them to show you proof that your fluid was bad. When they can't produce, contact their corporate office. They will refund your money.How many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
I was told 40,000 miles on my wifes G-6
I have never done that on my Dodge Ram 1500 and it has 240,000 miles and no brake work except pads and shoes. Never changed p/s fluid probably been in there over 10 yearsHow many miles is recommended before your first brake fluid and power steering flush?
You don't do these things no matter what the mileage. You better take the car for oil change. You got ripped good. I bet they did nothing except charge for service you never received.. This would be an impossible task to do during an oil chamge. If there was some reson for this service it would be at least an 8 hour job.