Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2006 Toyota Avalon Master Cylinder Booster Leaking?

I had my regular car oil/brake/brake fluid change on 7/30 at toyota dealership,few weeks later, I was driving on the road,the brake light was on, I didnt have brake. I pulled over to a body shop and my brake fluid was empty. They refilled it. I waited few days to bring my car back to toyota and they said they have to exam it before telling me what happened. They said it was leaking from master cylinder to booster which will cost $1500 to repair. I was shocked! My car is only 2 yrs 9 months old /39000 miles. I believe my warranty has expired. What should I do? Am I out of luck? How about lemon laws? Any ideas? Thanks2006 Toyota Avalon Master Cylinder Booster Leaking?
WOW I have never had that problem with my190000m 14 year old buick and if i did it would only cost me a third of that.IF THAT.What is it going to take for you internet geek consumer report reading dummies to finally realize that your precious toyotas and hondas are not what they seem.They are mechanical things that will break no different than any other.